Its the first round of the Maiami Championship. Gongenzaka's first battle begins, and his opponent is his former fellow disciple, Gen Ankokuji. Using a cunning trap, Gonganzaka and Yuya are both played around with by Ankokuji. Furthermore, an inconceivable crisis awaits them both...
Card Appearances:
- Superheavy Samurai Big Wara-G
- Superheavy Samurai Gro-V
- Superheavy Samurai Soul Buster Gauntlet
- Superheavy Samurai Tama-C
- Battleguard #3
- Battleguard #4
- Battleguard Mad Shaman
- Battleguard's Curse
File Details:
Size: 90MB
Sub: English/Hardsub
Format: MP4
Format: MP4